Due to COVID restrictions of 29 guests - by invitation only.
The service will be webcast via the following link - please click on link :
and use the following Login and Password:
Login / Order ID: 51852
Password: Armitage
Once the streaming begins the video/picture will load automatically, if it hasn't by 2pm then try refreshing your page.
Should you need visual instructions on the above or are unable to watch the service live the webcast is viewable for 7 days from the date of the service. Please see details on the photos titled 'Webcast instructions Page 1' and 'Webcast instructions page 2' in the Galleries section of this website
Donations in memory of Lilian can be made below to Greenwich and Bexley Hospice, who attended her in her final days or to the Breast Screening department c/o Kings College Hospital that she previously worked and volunteered for